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My rejection from Google Adsense

2. Status updated: Jun 2, 2024

Sunday morning, I made my weekly morning basil-mint infusion after a short 45 minutes’ walk and sat in front of my laptop. I did anticipate, google still would not update the site approval status and I must wait for some time more. But to my surprise, they did update. My site didn’t get approved for 'Adsense' with reason mentioned as ‘Low value content’ with a list of possible issues and I was asked to fix the issues before resubmitting it again. My first reaction was disappointment. I hold it closer to my heart for 30 seconds exactly and my brain started to speak a list of self-doubts statements. ‘Do I not write well’, no that’s not true I have been writing sound concise reports almost 5 years in my profession and my quality has always been in the top notch, so my writing is not the issue. Possibly something with style of writing or the content I am giving out. The next pointer was ‘content may not have market value’, third as ‘copied from somewhere’ and fourth as ‘established site with pre-existing information what I am publishing’. I started with my analysis. I know my content are original and this is not about plagiarism. The only thing I could not strike out is ‘market value’ because I had no idea about it, and I am in the process of exploring and experimenting with my idea of contents. I delved a little deeper and came across with the comments about people that had same issue. Some suggested with question “shall they delete their old posts’ or what? Out of all replies there is a single comment in Quora that helped me to understand this in a better way. So, this person mentioned ‘deleting your posts is like 404’. I laughed and somewhere in my head, I agreed. Deleting content is not the solution but reviewing all your past content might help to find the issues so you fix it and move on. We are writing in public space for audience not for us because we do that in personal journaling. And somehow if it doesn’t work, the whole idea of publishing is itself a failure. Harsh, but true.

So, the next thing I did was I reviewed my articles, 18 posts in total and out of it 3 of them I always felt they were more crowd than some help to audience. I read them first and personally I felt this is only quantity so straightaway I reverted to my draft folder to investigate them in detail if they have any scope in future. I did some editorial changes to few others and updated. With almost my last sip of tea, I re-sent my site for approval again. Honestly, I don’t know I might fail again but I will try to re-read and fix it to my best. Maybe this is the way to understand what I’m good at and what people need it in real. So far, I’m enjoying this whole process, and I will update you what happen next. Till then, good day.

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